How to lead a healthy team when you are sick?

Ayush Agrawal
2 min readSep 14, 2019


I have been ill since last Tuesday. During this time, I couldn’t make it to the office or meet my team at work. And to my surprise, my team has managed to work without my supervision. I have tried to jot down a few lines lying inside this cosy blanket.

I am sharing these in the hope of helping actually anyone who wants the teamwork even in their absence.

  1. Know yourself and your role.

My team knows what’s next of their work. How? The brainstorming sessions we do every Saturday has made an impact on their minds so well, they are able to guide themselves (even in my absence).

I try to make my meetings be more interactive and engaging.

Step #1: Make sure your meetings are actually mind maps for your teammates.

2. Do what you love. Love what you do.

Most of my teammates joined my organisation at positions which didn’t suit them. How? They didn’t follow their passion. Peer pressure and the tendency to follow the herd had made them apply for irrelevant positions at my organisations, which in turn made them lose interest in their work.

Result? The whole team was at a loss.

Soon, the Saturday meetings helped us out. I realized their interests in certain areas while brainstorming and asked them to give a try at the role they were the best for.

Now, I can confidently say, my team works passionately, for the task they are actually made for.

Step #2: Try to cross-check if the job given to your teammates is actually what they are made for. If not, make them do what they are best at.

3. Set mini-goals

I have a policy at my office:

“One toffee a work keeps procrastination away.”

Anybody who finished their work before time, gifts a yummy treat to themselves. How silly and childish it may seem, it simply works.

Psychologically, humans love prizes and thus, tend to compete to win the prize.

This not just works for efficiency, but also makes their task fun and engaging.

Step #3: Let the adrenaline rush in your team!

I can proudly say, some tricks and strategies at my organisation has made everyone in my team lead themselves, even in my absence.

Let me know how these tips were for you and share if you know or apply similar rules at your office too.

PS: I am planning on starting a new series of such posts under Ayush’s how-tos biweekly, ie- every 2nd and 4th Saturday. Please let me know how this idea is.

